Quantities are limited to stock on hand. First come, first served. I am unable to backorder any item. The shopping cart system will check your order against available stock and advise you if an item is sold out or has less quantity than originally listed. If multiple customers have identical items in their shopping carts the system will allocate the item to the first one who checks out. Therefore, on rare occasions, you may have an item removed from your cart while shopping if someone else has it in their cart and checks out first.
This is a part time business, and as such, is subject to the time I can spare from my regular job and other obligations. Please be patient if I don't get back to you right away. I have to check stock (in case there are inventory errors) and pack up your items to determine shipping costs.
If you are concerned as to whether or not your order got through, you can contact me through email to confirm. Use the contact link in the page footer.
Small items (especially decals) are shipped 1st Class if possible. Everything else is usually shipped Priority. Sometimes, Standard Post (used to be Parcel Post) is less expensive for heavier items or longer distance. Priority is quoted as 1-3 days average, while Standard Post is 2-8 days. The invoice will reflect either 1st Class or Priority. If you would like to request the Standard Post cost, please email me and I will respond with the options. International shipping can be expensive if other than "1st Class International". If the package can not meet the requirements for "1st Class International" I will email the charges prior to invoicing so you can decide if the charges are acceptable. I charge actual shipping and do not try to make extra money on shipping charges.
Due to the low prices for the products on this web site (and therefore low profit margins) the cost of accepting PayPal makes those orders almost break-even. I could either raise all my prices to cover the fees when PayPal is used, stop taking it, or pass on the charge to PayPal users only. In order to keep it as an option for customer's convenience, I decided to pass on the charge.
There is still no charge for personal checks, cashier checks or money orders.
Thanks for understanding.
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